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environmental song (tugas bahasa inggris)

Save Me Now by Jeff Lynne
One day the earth woke up, said
Boy, I feel half dead
Somebody's turnin' up the poison
And it's gettin' in my head

Sometimes I wish my guests
Would move away somewhere
Yes I'm burnin' up all over
I can't even breathe the air

Save me now, save me now
Save me now
Save me now, save me now

One day the earth woke up, said
Boy, it's gettin' hot
And remember all those trees I had
But now there ain't a lot

And my eyes kept slowly tricklin'
Down to where the party's at
And if everybody's goin' there
Well, that's the end of that

Save me now, save me now
Come on and
Save me now, save me now
Save me now

Save Me Now by Jeff Lynne
This song tells that the earth is half dead because people burn the poison to the atmosphere and it makes the atmosphere thin. It also tells that the inhabitants of the earth is too much, so they live crowdly on the earth, they take the plants but they don’t want to plant them again. It makes the earth burnt.
The world is getting hot, the ice at the two poles now melts, the trees that grew on the most places at the earth now people burn them, and cut them down, without planting them again.
There are many projects, factories, etc that actually destroy the earth. So when there is a landslip, and people are doing their “party” or their expensive projects, they will be buried by the land.
So the song tells us to save the earth, keep the environment, and stop doing anything that can destroys our earth.

The moral value is please save the earth in order that we can enjoy the advantages together with our children in the future.


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