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Rawa Pening Drama (Bahasa Inggris)

B= Boy             :
W= Woman    :
V1= Villager 1 :
V2= Villager 2 :
V3= Villager 3 :
Rawa Pening Drama

Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every house to ask for some meal, but nobody cares him.
B             : (knocks the door) “excuse me, can i get some meal? I am so hungry right now. Ohh why does nobody care me?”
He did it at every house but nobody responded. He was about to give up, but he knocked at another house, finally a generous woman got out from her house, she gave him a shelter, a meal and a lesung.
W            : (opens the door) “come and sit here boy! Wait for a moment! I’ll take you some meal”( goes to the kitchen)
B             : “thank you, ma’am!” (sits down)
W            :”here it is and it is!” (gives him a meal and a lesung)
B             : (eats the meal) “oh. What is this?”
W            :”this is a lesung”
B             : “what for?”
W            : “if there is a flood, you must use it as a boat to save yourself”
B             : “thank you so much ma’am! You’re such a kind person. Ummm now I will continue my journey.”
W            :” don’t mention it! Okay, Be carefull!”
                Then, the boy continued his journey and passed a village. There, He saw many people gathered on the field. He came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other. Everybody tried to pull out the stick from the ground but nobody succeeded.
V 1          :” hey brother! Can you pull out this? I bet you can’t. I’ve tried for many times but I can’t pull out this”
V 2          : “okay. I will try. I have done some exercises. And i think i am stronger than before”
                   (trying...but he failed)
   “oh God. It’s not as easy as i think”
V 1          : “ i’ve guessed you can’t”
                Then, a man appeared. He looked so strong. The two men asked him to pull out the stick
from the ground. He was so arrogant and confident that he could pull out that stick from the
ground easily
V 1,2      : “hey you. Can you pull out this? We have tried so many times but we couldn’t still”
V 3          : (laughs) “hahaha.. look at your bodies, guys! You both look so weak. How can you pull out this? Of course, you can’t. I am sure i can pull out this. Look at me! My body is strong, and I have done some exercises to make me stronger.”
V 1          : “you are too confident. Don’t talk much! Just do it now!”
                The third villager tried to pull out that stick from the ground but he couldn’t. He tried for many times but he couldn’t still
V 3          :” aww it’s too difficult. I give up. But it doesn’t mean that I am not strong.”
The little boy appeared. And offered to do that.
B             :” hey! What are you doing?”
V 1,2    :”ohh. We tried to pull out this stick from the ground, but it’s too difficult for us to do that, so we all couldn’t do that”
B             :” can i try?”
Everybody laughed, they didn’t believe if the boy would be able to do that. And of course they underestimated him.
V 3          :”hahaha... boy! Are you sure you want to try? I couldn’t even do it, although I had strong body and had done some exercises to make me stronger”
The boy didn’t care about what they spoke. He was just silent and tried to pull out the stick. He could do it easily.
B             :” ohh, I can do it. But what is it? There is so much water? Woo it will be flood. Where is my      lesung? Oh i found it.”
                Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out until it flooded the village. Nobody was saved from the flood except the little boy and the generous woman. He used the lesung as  a boat and picked the woman up.
V 1,2      :” help me! Help me! I can’t swim. Oh is anybody there? Please help me!”
B             :” ma’am! Let’s go out from here quickly!”
W            :” yeah boy.”

 The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.


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